The Zog Blog
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Everything You Need to Know About CMMC Compliance in 2022
The term “cybersecurity” is no longer just a fad but an essential part of our personal and professional lives, safeguarding our businesses, people, and processes. Identity and data theft affects...

A Beginner’s Guide to Cyber Insurance
Almost every business has a website these days. Even physical businesses, like brick-and-mortar shops, maintain and preserve certain information online. One of the many benefits of online business is...

11 Benefits of Using a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) in 2022
In 2022, MSSPs or Managed Security Service Providers have become integral to the cybersecurity infrastructure of enterprises. Using an MSSP allows an organization to strengthen its security network...

Everything You Need to Know About DFARS Compliance in 2022
All businesses are subject to certain compliance requirements relevant to their industry. If you are a defense contractor dealing with the federal government, you must comply with several additional...

Will A Network Assessment Save Your Organization?
If you face regulations regularly—for instance if you process credit cards or handle sensitive records of one sort or another—you’re vulnerable to cyberattacks and data breaches.

Are IT Security And IT Compliance One And The Same?
Why security and compliance go hand in hand to keep your office safe. For many organizations, it’s really hard to define the line between IT security and IT compliance. IT security has increasingly...

Does HIPAA Compliance Cover GDPR Data Security Regulations?
7 Ways GDPR and HIPAA are being confused I hate to break it to you, but data security compliance is getting harder! With the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) enacted on...

Are You Falling Behind On Security Compliance?
With years of planning, the European Union began enforcing its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25th! While many businesses in the Philadelphia metro may think they don’t need to...

Are Your Users Opening Your Business To Ransomware Attacks?
When the Eagles won the Super Bowl, I’m sure if you live and work around the Philly metro you were excited. So excited that you (or a team member) might not have taken a second thought to open an...

Will The Next Big Ransomware Attack Go Undetected?
Recent cybersecurity research reveals ransomware that actually mimics other processes on your operating system. Coined “Process Doppelganging”, this new ransom attack uses fileless code injection to...