The Zog Blog
Your source for the best technology news and information

Does HIPAA Compliance Cover GDPR Data Security Regulations?
7 Ways GDPR and HIPAA are being confused I hate to break it to you, but data security compliance is getting harder! With the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) enacted on...

Are You Falling Behind On Security Compliance?
With years of planning, the European Union began enforcing its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25th! While many businesses in the Philadelphia metro may think they don’t need to...

Are Your Users Opening Your Business To Ransomware Attacks?
When the Eagles won the Super Bowl, I’m sure if you live and work around the Philly metro you were excited. So excited that you (or a team member) might not have taken a second thought to open an...

Will The Next Big Ransomware Attack Go Undetected?
Recent cybersecurity research reveals ransomware that actually mimics other processes on your operating system. Coined “Process Doppelganging”, this new ransom attack uses fileless code injection to...

How Cybercriminals Are Upping Their Attacks On Your Business Network
In a time where cyberattacks happen every minute of every day all across the country, most businesses continue to say “can’t happen to me!” But the problem with this mentality is that they—including...

Think the Cloud is safer for your business? Think again!
One of the first things business owners all over the Philadelphia metro tell me when we perform eye-opening security roadmap assessments is “We’re in the cloud. We’re safe, right?” While I wish the...

Is Your Business Making Decisions To Protect Your Network?
The most effective IT security intelligence focuses on strategies that provide your business with security advantages over everyone else, making you hard to become a cyber target. It really doesn’t...

Could Typos Compromise Your Business’ Network Security?
How a few wrong keystrokes may lead your business to ransomware infections, data breaches and serious downtime if you’re not careful. Hackers understand big user keystroke errors and are starting to...

Where Are Your Biggest Risks Of Cyberattacks In Q2?
If you are a cybercriminal looking to make serious money in 2018, where are you looking? This question is on the top of a lot of many security experts’ minds as we roll into Q2 of 2018. And many...

Are You Risking Your Network Security From Weak Passwords?
Years ago and perhaps even now, you picked one password and stuck with it. Something you were able to remember—your kid’s name or home address. One of my neighbors has even used her banking pin as...