The Zog Blog
Your source for the best technology news and information

Why You May Be Risking Your Business Over Old Software And Hardware
Day in and day out, we’ve come accustomed to hearing news of the latest cyberattacks.

How Big Tech Security Investments May Hurt Your Business
Microsoft, Facebook and Google have upped their investment in security this year (and plan to in 2018 as well). If your business isn’t heeding their fixes, you’re likely becoming even more vulnerable.

Is Every Business Breachable?
Why your business is likely failing when it comes to IT Security.

7 Skills You Should Be Looking For When Hiring Any IT Team
As we’ve seen even in the last few weeks, cybersecurity threats are not going anywhere.

Does Your IT Support Ask These 3 Security Questions?
Common Questions Your Doctor Asks That Your IT Support Should Be Asking To Improve Your IT Security

How Does Your IT Security Compare To The Office Down The Street?
Is Your Business Low Hanging Fruit For Cybercrime?

Why Your IT Security Needs to Be Spotless To Prevent Data Breaches
Nearly half of Americans (143 million people!) are facing identity theft nightmares following a massive hacking attack on the credit bureau Equifax earlier this month. The company disclosed that the...

Can Your Business Survive A Phishing Attack?
Right this minute, your business—specifically your staff—are being targeted.

Is Your Disaster Recovery Plan Hurricane Proof?
None of the effects of disaster— pain, suffering or loss—is fair. And few that survive disasters do so without help and support from family, friends and community. The hurricane that struck Houston...

Is Your Business’ Cybersecurity Plan Outdated?
Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t need to constantly be up-to-speed on cybersecurity? Can’t we simply follow a checklist and get IT Security off of our To-Do list?